Many customers come to our store and tell us that indoor orchids don't last long! 

With this post, we will try to give some tips on how we can achieve some durability with orchids.

First, we have to understand what Phalaenopsis orchids need:

Orchids are plants that do not like direct sunlight all day and, therefore, we recommend placing them in a place where part of the day is sunny and the other part is shaded.

Orchids like to have their roots out in the sun and, therefore, if the vase has some type of decoration or an opaque vase,you should, from time to time, remove the plant from the opaque vase and place it out in the sun If you start noticing, you’ll see that all orchids come with a transparent vase because of this.

Now, the biggest mistake people make is the way they water the plant. How should we water orchids?

We should only water the plant once every 2/3 weeks and, to water it, we should not put water directly in the vase but instead: 

  •  Fill a bowl with water (or alternatively use the kitchen sink)
  •  Place the orchid directly in water for about 5/10 minutes
  • Let the water drain
  •  Return to container

Now is the best time to try it! 🙂 

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