The Peace Lily or Spathiphyllum wallisi, in addition to having beautiful foliage, is capable of blooming throughout the year inside houses and apartments.

They are plants originating from countries located in Central America. Other species of the genus Spathiphyllum can occur naturally in tropical regions of the American continent, and may also appear in Southeast Asia.

How to care for your peace lily: 

Although Spathiphyllum wallisii is considered easy to grow, there are some precautions that must be taken:

– It does not tolerate intense cold or frost – thus an ideal plant to be grown indoors;

– Avoid exposure to direct sunlight during the hottest periods of the day;

Sometimes, we will find this plant completely collapsed, with all its leaves fallen and this is an indication of a lack of water, however, if you add water to it, it will recover in a few hours.

Another clear indicator that the plant is lacking water is dried out of leaf tips. 

Air purifying plant

There is a myth that plants indoors, especially in bedrooms, are harmful to human health. 

The levels of carbon dioxide that a plant emits at night are insignificant when compared to those emitted by an animal or another person.

Studies conducted by the American space agency, NASA, concluded that the peace lily, among other very common ornamental plants, has the ability to act as a natural filter, eliminating toxic substances from the environment. 

What are you waiting for to buy a Peace Lily for your home?

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